Certified Tifway 419 Bermuda Grass

Tif-419 has been the Industry Standard for over 40 years
Tif-419 has good traffic & drought tolerance. While there are newer varieties with improved characteristics, Tifway 419 still provides an excellent and durable turf for landscapers.
Tifway 419 is an improved hybrid bermuda developed from the famed Tifton, Georgia turf breeding program. Tifway forms a fine textured, dense hybrid bermuda turf. It is more aggressive than Tifgreen and holds its color longer going into the winter months. Tifway performs at its best in full sun with a mowing height of 1/2-3/4 inches. When fully established, it has excellent drought and heat tolerance and will recover quickly from abuse or neglect.
Tifway 419 is recommended for full sun turfgrass areas with high traffic and heavy use conditions. It is best utilized on well maintained athletic fields and golf fairways and tees.
Prior to harvesting, Tifway 419 is mowed uniformly to a height of approximately 3/4 to 1 inch.Each full pallet contains approximately 450 square feet of sod. Tifway is shipped sufficiently dry for transportation and handling, yet moist enough to facilitate installation. It should be installed immediately after delivery. Shipping pallets are the property of Unruh Turf Farm. Should pallet pick-up be required, please make arrangements with the office from which the sod was ordered.
When properly maintained,Tifway 419 is both heat and drought tolerant and can withstand temperatures in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tifway 419 prefers a full sun location with little or no shade.
Tifway 419 exhibits a dark green color during the growing season. Tifway is darker green than Tifgreen, but lighter than GN-1. With proper maintenance practices, it produces little seed head.
Properly maintained Tifway 419, will hold its color longer then other comparable grasses. Dormancy areas will generally last from late November through mid-March.
Tifway 419 has very good tolerance to saline soil and water conditions found in both coastal and desert areas.
: All hybrid bermudas develop thatch over a period of time.Tifway 419 is very similar to Santa Ana in producing thatch and does build thatch faster than Tifgreen. Maintenance practices that include a regular mowing schedule during the growing season, a low to moderate fertilization program, and an annual verticutting will help keep thatch under control.
WATERING: To avoid drying out and enable the new sod to root down, newly planted Tifway 419 should be watered daily and kept wet during the first 10 days. Once the new sod has rooted into the soil, watering frequency should be reduced. Due to varying soil and climate conditions, it is difficult to recommend a definite watering schedule. However, a deep soaking every 5-7 days is generally adequate during the growing season. Desert environments may require more frequent deep waterings.
MOWING: Tifway 419 should be mowed at least weekly during the growing season with a reel mower. Clippings are best removed. It should be mowed to a height of 1/2 to 3/4 inches. Avoid scalping.
FERTILIZATION: To maintain its beauty, color, and density, Tifway 419 requires a consistent monthly fertilization program. During the spring, summer, and fall months it should be fertilized with 3/4 to 1 pound of nitrogen applied to each 1,000 square feet of lawn. Read and follow all instructions regarding fertilizer use and application.
WEED, INSECT AND DISEASE CONTROL: Tifway 419 is virtually free of weeds, insects, and disease when it is delivered. However, in some installations, weed and insect problems may occur from close proximity to neighboring lawns having these problems, or from the existing soil itself. Various cultural practices may be used to reduce these problems; however, should chemical controls be required, they should be used in accordance with the written instructions provided by the manufacturer.
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